The 2018 NCAIR annual conference is April 15-18, 2018, and will be held at the Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort . Located at the edge of the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.
Hotel address:
Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort
777 Casino Dr,
Cherokee, NC 28719
HOTEL RESERVATIONS: A room block is reserved at Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort, with a rate of $104 per night. Reservations can be made online here: NCAIR. The room block and discounted rate expire on March 30, 2018.
Click here, to register.
CALL FOR PROPOSALS (Due: Feb. 19, 2018)
Conference participants are invited to submit proposals for concurrent session presentations and discussion groups. Sessions are 45 minutes in length. There are several subject areas from which to choose: Planning and Organizing, Research, Technology and Training, Assessment and Effectiveness, and Current Issues in Higher Education. We encourage proposals aligned with the conference theme, Institutional Researchers: We Leave Nothing to Chance.
Electronic submission of conference proposals is available here.
Travel grant awards of up to $200 are available to both new members and active members. Grant awardees also receive a waiver of the conference registration fee. NCAIR’s travel grant policy can be viewed here. Travel grant deadline is March 1, 2018.
Click here to apply for a 2018 NCAIR Conference travel grant.
NCAIR Conference Schedule

AIR/NCAIR Co-hosted IPEDS Workshop
The Association for Institutional Research (AIR) and the North Carolina Associaton for Insitutional Research (NCAIR) (NCAIR) are co-hosting a one-day IPEDS Workshop for data providers and users in conjunction with NCAIR 2018 Conference. Financial support for this workshop is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
IPEDS Workshop Highlights
- 8:30 am – 4:30 pm on April 16, 2018
- Held at the Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort – 777 Casino Drive, Cherokee, NC
- Six hours of instruction (demonstrations, discussions, PowerPoint presentations, and hands-on computer based training exercises).
- IPEDS Data as the Public Face of an Institution
- IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness
Provided at no charge to participants
Workshop Content Description
IPEDS Data as the Public Face of an Institution
This workshop stresses the importance of accuracy and consistency in data reported to IPEDS. Examples of real IPEDS data used in the public domain are incorporated, enabling participants to understand the role of governmental and non-governmental entities in IPEDS reporting. The workshop includes presentations, discussions, exercises, and demonstrations using IPEDS data tools and resources.
IPEDS Data and Benchmarking: Supporting Decision Making and Institutional Effectiveness
This workshop introduces the fundamentals of benchmarking as a measure of institutional effectiveness. It is designed for individuals with little to no experience in benchmarking studies. Participants use data from the IPEDS Surveys, Data Feedback Reports, and the “Use of Data” section of the NCES website to learn about the types of comparison groups that can be constructed. Exercises demonstrate establishment of key performance indicators (KPIs) and identification of variables to refine comparison groups.
Note: Participants are required to bring a MAC or PC laptop with wireless capability and Microsoft Excel.
IPEDS Workshop Online Registration
This workshop is limited to 45 participants and workshop seats are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Seat confirmations are delivered via email on a rolling basis approximately 3 business days after an online seat registration is submitted. For additional information and to request a seat, please visit
Phone: 850-385-4155 x2
Conference sponsorship opportunities are available. Please visit
( ) for more information and registration.
Click here, for the sponsor price list.
Currently, the following sponsors have committed to the success of our conference:
Key note speaker:
Dr. Gerald McLaughlin received his Ph.D. in Organization Psychology from the University of Tennessee. Since the late 1960’s, he has worked in higher education as both a faculty member and an administrator. He was Director of Institutional Research and University Professor at Virginia Tech (Emeritus) before becoming the Associate Vice President and Director of Institutional Planning and Research at DePaul University. He was most recently an Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management and Marketing at DePaul University (Emeritus).
Some of his past workshops have included salary consulting, enrollment management, strategic management, etc. He has also been an adjunct faculty member at both Virginia Tech and DePaul University.
He has helped author several books such as The Handbook of Institutional Research, A Primer on Institutional Research, and People, Processes, and Managing Data as well as authored several articles and papers in the field of Institutional Research.
Luncheon Speaker
Dr. Susan Bosworth is the Associate Provost for Institutional Accreditation & Effectiveness at the College of William & Mary. Her work has included responsibilities for assessment and institutional research, and most recently for accreditation and academic program changes. Dr. Bosworth has chaired numerous SACSCOC committees and has served on the SACSCOC Peer Review Advisory Board. She has presented at state, regional and national conferences and has served as President of the Virginia Assessment Group, editorial board member for Research & Practice in Assessment, member of the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia’s task forces on assessment, and invited participant in the American Association of College & Universities LEAP States Summits. Dr. Bosworth earned a B.A. and M.A. from William & Mary, and a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia.
2018 NCAIR Conference At‐A‐Glance schedule
For conference questions to Elizabeth Cooper, Program Chair, at or 910-630-7674.
Check this page often for more updates!